“Dedicated to innovation in aerospace”
The Netherlands Aerospace Center (NLR) is the Dutch knowledge company for the identification, development and application of advanced technological knowledge in the field of aerospace. Our activities are relevant to the society, market-oriented and are carried out on a non-profit basis. In this way, we strengthen the innovative power, the competitiveness and the effectiveness of the government and business environments.
The NLR has two branches: in Amsterdam and in Marknesse. In total around 600 motivated professionals work together; ranging from aircraft engineers to psychologists and from mathematicians to application experts. We support the government in their policy and strengthen the innovative capacity of companies. By doing this, we contribute to a decisive government and a competitive industry, both nationally and regionally. Our clients are governments, large and small industries, aviation authorities, space and non-governmental organizations. Both nationally and internationally. Our employees are socially relevant and want to stand at the edge of technological innovation.

The NLR will strengthen its (inter)national cooperation with aerospace companies and various small and medium-sized enterprises, with Air France-KLM, Schiphol and LVNL, Universities, the Netherlands Air and Space Foundation, the regions in the Netherlands with ambitions in the space field and with its partner DLR.
The necessary research and test facilities will, if required, be modernized and rationalized. The purpose is to use facilities in broader forms of collaboration, such as strengthening the composites cluster in Marknesse. This applies in particular to the wind tunnels.
At the NLR you can develop yourself from a junior to a more senior role. Of course this also depends on your development and work attitude. As an experienced specialist you remain involved in deepening, broadening and applying your knowledge and skills. You play an independent role in projects, are a trusty conversation partner for your client and a coach to less experienced colleagues.